Before 2020 gets any further, I want to stop and take time to celebrate the blessings of the year just gone. Some wonderful things, some major challenges and some dreams come true. Thank you for inspiring me, encouraging me and walking with me on this journey. Paintings I created 35 pieces of art this year. 7 painted live at a variety of events. Click here for more Exhibitions I have taken part in 12 exhibitions, including two solo shows. At the start of 2019 one of the big dreams I wrote down for the year ahead was to have my art in the window of a gallery for the first time. It actually happened 3 times!! Teaching Believe it or not (considering I trained as a teacher 25 years ago) this was my first year to run paid art workshops. Some were local, one was for nearly 150 people in one go and some were taught internationally via the internet! I was also booked as guest tutor for classes in a gallery in Colchester for 2020 which were sold out before I was able to advertise them, which was rather exciting! Please message me, if you would like me to add your name to my workshop waiting list for future dates. The launch of this website
My Masters Degree And last be not least, I finished this year starting a Masters Degree in Fine Art. Learning new techniques within printmaking. I’m doing this over 2 years and write a monthly blog update which you can see here. So… what does 2020 hold? I have a number of dreams and ambitions for the year ahead, but mainly plan to put one foot in front of the other and give it my best shot.
How about you?
On Tuesday I handed in my portfolio, sketchbook, final piece and summary essay for my first module: Critical Practice in Fine Art, at Cambridge School of Art. This was meant to be the product of 300 hours of research but I managed to tot up 510 hours (with 158 of those being work in the studio)! I thought you’d like to take a little look at what I’ve produced. I’ll also seek to answer your questions of why I’m doing a Masters Degree at all, and whether it’s living up to expectations! Read back through my previous 2 blogs (month 1 & month 2) to see the outline of what my course entails and what my project has been about. But basically I’ve been seeking to transfer what I do with paint as an artist into printmaking, aiming to produce prints with impact that feel alive. What Matters The theme I’ve worked towards is ‘What Matters’ and is concerned with giving our attention to the things that matter in the midst of a busy life full of distraction and demands. I’ve looked to use vibrant pattern to symbolise busyness and detail, and expressive gesture to represent focus and attention to the moment. My Art To conclude my body of work I first created a triptych, each piece on 70x100cm paper and tissue, collaged screen print & lithography. My final piece was A0 (84 × 119cm) - paper, drafting film and plastic, collaged screen print & lithography. Here is the summary report of my project, for those of you who like all the details! My Sketchbook
My Portfolio To finish I handed in a portfolio of my body of work, showing all that has led up to my concluding pieces. Here’s a little video to take you through it. Seeing as this is my first module I feel rather clueless as to what type of grade and feedback I will receive. I know I’ve worked hard and I’ve handed in a lot. But whether it ticks the right boxes for the examiners still waits to be seen! I’ve not had a massive amount of feedback but think I’ve got the general feeling that they would say if I wasn’t heading in the right direction! Why I'm doing an MA? I have reached a stage in my fledgling art business and career where I feel, before I go any further, I want to go deeper. The entrepreneurial side of being an artist can overwhelm and I was finding the admin of the business was consuming the creating side, with me spending less and less time in my studio. Some areas of my career have snowballed, especially the live art side, and I felt I needed time to catch up a little, realising I was painting more in front of an audience, than I was in private where I could experiment and develop. I was hungry to learn and hungry to play and desperate to set some clearer boundaries to my life. I see this as a rest of my life thing and want to establish some good patterns of behaviour. I had originally looked at doing an art degree but because I’ve done a teaching degree I wouldn’t receive any funding. I’d never considered an MA as I thought it would be too academic, although I didn’t officially know I had dyslexia back then, I knew I found it hard to read and write and hated that side of education, but after investigation I discovered that the course at Cambridge School of Art was practice based and that the leader thought my work of the appropriate standard, the government were ‘happy’ to fund a postgraduate degree and it actually would fit much better with family life. ... and does it live up to expectations I would like to receive good grades that reflect all the work I’ve put in this term BUT actually I already feel that this MA has ticked all the boxes for me and as long as I’m allowed to keep going for the full 2 years, then that’s what really matters.
I started the term with practically no experience of printmaking or collage and, although I’m just getting started, I have learnt and grown so much in these areas, and in a way that compliments and enhances my current art practice. My past experience of art history had completely put me off any type of proper research but being forced to consider theories within the art world and artists relevant to my practice has expanded my mind and developed in me a new passion to learn. I’ve established some boundaries to studio, research, business and family life that feel a lot healthier and much more fulfilling. To be honest I feel like I’ve finally burst out of the housewife/‘stay at home mum’ bubble I’ve uneasily inhabited for the past 18 years and I’m feeling more alive than I’ve felt in a long time!! As an aside I’ve been diagnosed with dyslexia (discovered I share a super power with some seriously impressive individuals!) - which is providing me with support and technology and insight into myself that can only serve to enhance my life. I’m happy to have reached the Christmas holidays, I’ve been working really hard and need a break. But I’m already looking forward to starting the next module and scheming of what things I can get my teeth into next! Here's a little look around my Open Studio event this weekend, for those of you who couldn't make it. Would you like to hear what I’ve been up to this month at Cambridge School of Art? My 1st month was full of inductions, demonstrations, generally finding my way round (not an easy task!), getting to know my lovely fellow course members a little and finding out what was expected of me. Pop back and see my last blog if you’ve not done so already (for a little tour and more). My second month has been all about getting really stuck in! My work is pretty much all self directed, so I’ve set myself the challenge of seeing how well my art translates into printmaking (a brand new medium for me). Aiming to create ‘prints with impact, that feel alive’. Printmaking I’ve dabbled a little in mono print and risograph but have now honed in mostly on screen print and lithography. With screen I love the variety of colour I can use (basically any acrylic paint mixed with screenprinting medium), the precision possible, that I can reproduce messy marks as well as neat ones and that I can work big. What I don’t like is that I have to clean up thoroughly every time I want to change colour (I’ve done more cleaning than printing!) And I keep finding new ways of messing up my screen preparation. I over cleaned one screen last week until it split, in addition to blowing all the electrical equipment in the studio due to the excess moisture I’d created! With lithography I love that it picks up tonal qualities of an image and the more subtle details, and it’s fun to use the equipment! What I don’t enjoy is that it uses oil based ink - 1. It limits my colour choices (unless I mix and it’s really hard getting the right turquoise, although there is a fluorescent pink!) 2. It takes more than a day to dry between layers 3. It’s horrible to clean up (which again has to be done between every colour) I’m really enjoying printmaking but it’s definitely utilising the more organised side of my personality! It’s the opposite experience to how I paint, being anything but immediate and needing intricate planning and preparation. Evaluation This month included some tutorials and a mid point ‘silent crit’ where we displayed our work so far, for our tutor and peers to critique while we stood in silence, not allowed to make comment, response or explanation! Here is a little video of my display. I actually found it a really helpful opportunity to stop and reflect on things and consider where to take things next. It was a little daunting to realise that my 2nd ever go at printmaking would need to be my ‘final piece’ to hand in at Christmas, due to time constraints. It certainly helps to bring focus and pushes you to aim further than you might otherwise go. I’m learning (I think I’m right in this!) that they are more interested in you experimenting and taking risks and learning through error and changing your plans, than they are in you having a good idea at the start that you complete with perfection and ease. This is pretty releasing really, as long as I leave behind my perfectionism and my need to see things through to completion. I’m needing to make a mental note every so often of things I would like to have more of a play with when I have more time once my MA has finished! Other highlights Dyslexia - I have an official diagnosis now and have been granted a disabled student allowance. This feels a really positive thing on so many levels after all these years of academic struggle.
Charlotte Cornish - I had the amazing privilege of interviewing my artist hero last week. She was so generous in sharing her story, process and studio with me, and I came away feeling really encouraged and inspired. Check out her work it is utterly stunning: Let me finish by sharing some of my most recent pieces. I’m now taking my current prints into a collage direction, which is fun, and a stepping stone towards my plans to take them proper 3 dimensional after Christmas! Click on each image to see properly.
A few weeks ago I travelled to North Carolina. I was about to meet face to face with some extremely special friends who I’ve only met so far via Skype - through my mentoring programme. I was going to explore the beautiful Black Mountains before attending a fabulous conference, where I was excited to be teaching 3 days of workshops. It’s something I’ve dreamt about and been working towards for a couple of years and had finally arrived. However, annoyingly this dream didn’t become a reality and actually quickly turned into a bit of a nightmare. On arriving at the airport my passport was confiscated, I was ushered into the immigration department, interrogated, several fingerprints and mug shots taken, searched rather invasively by a scary lady, held in custody and sent back to the UK on the next flight home. I wasn’t allowed my passport until I was on UK soil and its now stamped with ‘refused entry to the USA’. I had enquired about visas before making plans and booking my flight, way back in February. Following all the advice I was given I applied for an ESTA Visa Waiver. I stated that I was going to America on business as an artist. My application was ACCEPTED and I thought I’d done all I needed to do. It was only on arriving in America that I was informed that this wasn’t the right visa requirement. Then why was my application accepted in the first place? Why didn’t they reject it and tell me the right type of visa I needed, while I had enough time to do something about it? Why is this in any way my fault or fair? A baffling, traumatic & exhausting experience. 17hrs flying in a 22hr window. 40hr traveling with a diversion to the American embassy who wouldn’t let me in the door to plead my case. Gutted doesn’t cover it! Since returning I have heard of a multitude of other creatives that this has happened to and here is an article explaining something of the issue: 'Why are artists being denied entry into the US? How did it come to this and who do we blame?' What the enemy meant for harm, God used for goodBut the story does not, and must not, end there! The amazing thing was that I was able to still teach 2 of my 3 workshops at this conference in America via Zoom, from my back garden in the UK! AND I was paid as planned, so my expenses were covered after all! I learnt how to teach using Zoom and was thrilled that it actually worked - a new tool in my tool bag! I had a fantastic facilitator in the room to be my hands and feet for each session - they set everything up and reassured people, we dialogued through Facebook messenger with photos and ideas of alterations as the days when on. My face was beamed into the room larger than life on the big screen where I was able to share my powerpoint slides and videos and do demonstrations as planned. We were even able to have a roaming camera so I could be ‘taken’ close to people and art work and join in with group discussion, I was able to prophecy and encourage and pray for people as if I was there in the room. God is so good! It was an interesting experience straddling 2 continents for the week - they are 5 hours behind us in the UK, so their 9-5 was my 2 - 10pm but it was fine. I’m still receiving feedback from my students on what they’ve learnt and are now putting into practice from what I taught them in those prophetic and worship art classes. This was an ordeal that knocked the stuffing out of me, it was costly and I was robbed of the incredible week in America that I had planned, but this whole experience has actually put a fire in me to not accept this as a dead end. I’m more passionate than ever to travel the world as an artist - sharing my art and inspiring creativity in others.
Will I be nervous next time I have to walk through customs and immigration? - you bet I will! But will I let this stop me? No way! Obviously me and God have had a few conversations about why he allowed this to happen and it still hurts, but bottom line is that I believe he is good and I trust his sovereignty. Through all of this I never felt alone or abandoned, I found his kindness around many corners along the way and I still got to impart most of what I felt he’d deposited in me for the people in my classes. I believe he has a bigger better plan that he is preparing me for and I am safe in his hands. He is faithful, he is the way maker, miracle worker and promise keeper, he is my God, that is who he is. As many of you know, a month ago I started a Master degree in Fine Art at Anglia Ruskin University, here in Cambridge. Well it’s already been over a month and I thought you’d like to know how it’s going. Firstly let me give you a little look round! My Course I am doing the part time option over 2 years, not planning to actually do it part time (!) but to allow myself access to all the benefits of the place for 2 years rather than 1, and to space my assignments out a bit more than they would be! Most people do the course part time unless they are from overseas. I purposefully chose this particular course because there is an emphasis on the practical stuff. Things are pretty much self directed, with a slight emphasis each module/trimester to work towards, we work according to where we want out art to develop. My first module is called ‘Critical Practice’ and (as far as I understand it!) is just about relating what we are working on to the wider art world, developing a body of work with a purpose and evaluating/adapting as you go. We are expected to give 300 hours to research (academic and studio based), with a 1000 word proposal to say what we’re aiming at (which I handed in last week) and 1000 word summary to say where you’ve got to. You also hand in a sketchbook showing your research and a portfolio of work created. Timetabled teaching is on Wednesdays which includes seminars, crits, talks, visits, tutoring etc, plus optional demonstrations, workshops and talks on other days. We have a 6000 word dissertation to hand in at the end of year 1 and we work towards an exhibition at the end of year 2. My Work Click here to read my full proposal for this module My art, in a nutshell, is aimed at doing people good through the use of colour, gesture and pattern. Thus far in my career I’ve focussed on painting but with all the teaching and equipment available I’ve decided to start my course by embracing printmaking and to explore how to translate the essence of my artwork into this new medium. So far I have done inductions and demonstrations in monoprint, screen print, lithography, relief print, risograph and laser cutting. I feel like I’m learning lots of new things, not only the art processes but my artistic vocabulary now includes words like gestural, painterly, autographic, rastoring, registration tabs and proofs (all new to me) not to mention from last week’s essay - exigency, philologist, anachronism, privative, caesura, primordial, contiguousness and dishomogeneity! I think I might use the 1st list more than the 2nd! Current questions I have One of the things I’ve been wondering about is how much do I just enjoy the chance to try lots of the new things and use the facilities available now and how much do I let myself be steered by what is translatable into working in my studio beyond these 2 years - what if I fall in love with screen printing?! I’m also trying to work out how much to just play and let myself learn, when I have to try and produce something of quality in a medium I’ve never used by the end of December! I was reminded the other day by an artists friend that actually focussing on quantity rather than quality tends to produce better results, as there is less pressure on the individual piece - so I’m going to let that lead me for a bit. The adjustment I’m learning loads and thoroughly enjoying myself! The people in my group are so lovely, with a wide range of ages, experience and nationalities, I already feel like I’ve made some brilliant friends.
I’m taking advantage of everything that’s on offer, including the study skills support - which I’m really impressed with. I’ve always struggled academically, I find reading and writing a massive challenge - I promised myself that I would never have to go back to school or write another essay - and yet here I am! I’ve actually been screened for dyslexia and am told it looks very likely - I have a 3 hour formal assessment this week. I now have a lovely blue overlay to help the letters on a page to be less uncomfortable to look at. Although this is a ‘part time’ course I have decided to go into college every day and treat this as a job. The separation from the demands and distractions of family life is really helping me to work more efficiently and to set clearer boundaries of when work ends and family fits in. I’m working on MA work 4 days a week and giving 1 day to my art business. I’m busy but am really happy with how things are working and actually feel less stressed than usual. I aim to do a monthly update blog, sharing with you what’s happening. If you want to make sure you don’t miss my blogs why not subscribe here. Many of you may have been following my various posts on social media documenting the restyle of my garden studio. Well I’m finally ready to show you the results! Setting up my studio Once upon a time, 8 years ago... the thing is, as with most things, you have to start where you are. Originally my studio was built when I was pregnant with our youngest daughter 8 years ago - we were needing to create a bedroom in our loft and to create a storage space. We replaced the dilapidated ancient shed in the garden with a new structure and filled it will ‘stuff’. 4 years later my daughter started school and I started to work full-time as an artist - I cleared the space and set it up as a studio... Voila! Now 4 years on from that, my art and business needs have changed. I’m working larger, I need a clearer space to work and a larger space to store finished art. I was looking into the idea of renting a 2nd studio for storage but after brainstorming with an artists community I’m a member of, I realised that there were creative ways to restyle what I already had and make it work better. Working from home
Storage solutions
Some useful extras I’ve added a few new bits and pieces to help the space function better. I’ve put castor wheels on a unit, so it can be pulled in and out of the storage area, I’ve bought a cheap chest of drawers on wheels to store all my little bits and to double up as a moveable trolley for my paints and palette. I’ve bought some Ikea drawer inserts for my Expedit unit, I’ve turned one of these Expedit cubes into a filing cabinet by remodelling a free standing filing box from Amazon and I had a some brackets put into the ceiling to hold all my long rolled canvases and pieces of wood etc The big reveal And I videoed the whole thing, cos I knew you’d want to see it all happen! Here is a time-lapse of the transformation from my old art studio into my beautiful new one. A little tour And here is a little tour talking you through the space, the storage and the decisions I’ve made. And now for the fun part - get in there and use it, and get it messy!
Currently my art is on display in a one woman show at The Locker Cafe called COLOUR STORIES - the exhibition runs from the 19th August until 26th September 2019 and I thought you’d like to take a look. Last Friday I hosted a Private View evening at the cafe which involved me painting live to beautiful live harp music from the super talented Lucy Bunce. It was a really lovely evening with very positive response from those who came. One lady exclaimed “heaven must be a bit like this”! Lucy and I both create prophetically, partnering with the Holy Spirit, seeking to bring something of God’s kingdom to those around us. There was no mention of God at the event but he was there in the colours floating from the art on the walls and easel, art inspired by grace and gratitude. He was there in the music rising from the harp strings, filling the atmosphere with heaven enriched melodies. Doing people good, building relationship and inviting them towards more. Here is a movie that I’ve put together which includes a tour of the exhibition as well as some clips of the live art and harp. If you’re local to Cambridge, do make a visit to the Locker Cafe, it’s a lovely setting and the art looks even better in real life!
Last weekend I had the treat of attending my 5th year of David’s Tent worship festival. There were over 70 artists - young and old, professionals and newbies, with a breadth of style and medium all gathered in a big blue tent in the middle of a field, in Wiston Estate West Sussex, to creatively praise their Maker. What is David's Tent? David’s Tent is a 72 hour non-stop worship event where people gather from all around the world, across different denominations and church expressions to worship Jesus. Worship starts at 2pm on the Friday and continues until 2pm Monday, people come and go as they wish. Art at David's Tent The Art Team and art space has been led for 8 years now by the wonderful Linette Penney-Gainham and her husband Keith, and grows year on year. There is a team of artists who serve at the event leading workshops and creating individual prophetic art for delegates in the prophetic art tent, as well as painting during the worship. But the arts area in the big top is available for anyone to paint or create in their own way, whether they are professional artists or just wanting to have their first try at something. I served on the art team for 3 years but have taken a break these last 2 years to focus purely on painting and giving some unofficial support to those around me. Here’s a little video showcasing the variety of art created this year. This was where my journey began I consider this festival my birthplace as an artist - 5 years ago I arrived, never having painted on a canvas before with lots of fear, lots of hang ups and lots of enthusiasm. Now I’m a professional, full time artist, leading workshops, exhibiting in galleries and painting prophetic art at conferences in front of thousands - God's breathed life into the little I brought to the table those years ago! It’s only been 5 years, I’m really only just getting started and still have a LOT to learn, but when we dare to make ourselves vulnerable, and step into what God has designed us to do, in a safe place like DT, within the care of people like Linette, then God causes fruit to grow. David's Tent was the good soil that nurtured and nourished my little seed as it started on it's journey. A uniquely encouraging creative environment I find David’s Tent a uniquely encouraging creative environment and worshipful atmosphere where I can experiment and step beyond the norm. Whether that shows itself in expressive dance, massive floor paintings or, like this year, a combination of the two! An army of artists arising Often, in real life (outside of social media), we may come across just 1 or 2 prophetic artists (if that) and sometimes we can feel quite alone in it all. The life of a professional artist can be quite an isolated one. I hope that me sharing my experiences at DT will bring you some encouragement and bless you - this is real, an army of artists is rising up to bring glory to God, this is happening, God is on the move!
A number of you don't live near enough to visit my Open Studio event, so I thought I'd bring it to you via my blog! What is it? A little introduction for those who don’t know - Cambridge Open Studios runs for 4 weekends in July each year, across the city and surrounding area. Each weekend I choose to take part (this year it was the 2nd and 3rd w/e) I open my home and studio space to the public from 11 am - 6pm each day. I transform the downstairs of my home (my lounge and kitchen) into an exhibition, displaying my art and art products on every wall and surface area I can find! Then I distribute fliers, shout about it on social media and wait to see who comes. Lovely visitors It’s always such a privilege to see how many people pop in to take a look - this year I had 160 visitors over the 2 weekends. Whether they are just passing and see the balloons, have chosen me as part of a list of places in the area for the day or have specifically decided to come to see my work, I don’t take it lightly, when there are 300+ other artists also taking part around the city. It’s a wonderful opportunity to share what I do with people - to show where I work, to talk about my process and to hear what people think. Here are some of the comments I heard or that I found written in my visitors book this time round. Beautifully vibrant, gorgeous colours, stunning expression, inspiring and interesting work. |
These weekends take quite a lot of effort and disrupt family life a bit, but I feel it’s totally worth it. I love encouraging and inspiring others. There’s been some really interesting conversations and connections, I’ve met some of my neighbours and made some lovely new friends. On top of that I’ve sold some art and my happy colours are now blessing someone else’s home. |
Kate Green - artist, worshipper & enabler
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Art Exhibitions
Art Residency
Art Workshops
David's Tent
Live Art
My MA Journey
Process Videos
Prophetic Art
Spring Harvest
Still Learning