I had such an exciting day last Saturday at Kings Arms Church Bedford, teaching a room full of 24 grown ups how to play with paint, and partner with God in their creativity. “My favourite part was the squeegees and splatting - so much fun!” …“I loved drawing with graphite”… "I enjoyed the cardboard scraper” “I could express freely, I’m proud that I’ve created something beautiful.” “I’ve learnt how to wait on God for an idea and go to a place in His presence and peace before I begin.” “It’s brought the fun and play back, and taken away the heaviness and seriousness I was feeling about my art.” “I’ve learnt how to keep pressing through, layer by layer until beauty is formed.” Art Processes But, you know the comment that grabbed my attention the most, was from someone on the actual day, that took me by surprise. I can’t remember her exact words but she was basically expressing her appreciation that I would be willing to share my ‘secrets’ with everyone. She thanked me for my generosity in not keeping my art processes to myself! Isn’t that lovely?! Should I be worried that people might try to copy? Should I be worried that people might try to copy my style, or might use my ideas to make better pictures than mine? What I do is incredibly simple - I’ve taught most of it to children as young as 4, I’ve shared it with rooms of 150 people all in one go and it’s still been effective. My processes have come about through experimentation and play, through trial and error, but most of all through playing with paint and having fun. I didn’t invent stencilling, or splatting paint, or building up layers, or using circles in ones work. Maybe if this was ‘it’ - if this was going to be my specific style for ever, then I’d feel a bit more protective and guarding of sharing it with people (I don’t know)... I'm just getting started! BUT I’m just getting started! I have plans to go much deeper and further and crazier with my paint playing. In fact, I would be most disappointed if my work did stay the same from now on - I’m hungry to keep developing, to keep growing and learning. What I’ve learnt has been in partnership and relationship with our awesome creator God, and is born out of grace and freedom, why would I want to keep that to myself?! All I have, has been given by my good, good Father God, and I want to reflect his character, his generous nature to others. If I can impart a sense of fun and playfulness in people’s creativity, if I can help to free people up to focus on enjoying the process rather than stressing over the results, if I can stir people to invite the Holy Spirit into their creative activity, then I feel the risk is definitely one worth taking. Maybe I'll see YOU at the next one!
Eight big beautiful abstract pieces celebrating creativity and brightening the walls of my local primary school. Last year I enjoyed a week’s art residency at Arbury Primary School, and I’ve recently been back for a visit to see the art we created actually up on their walls. Performance Art in School AssemblyThe week began with me painting on stage in the school assembly. I painted in response to their favourite song ‘A right to be loved’ whilst the 450 pupils sang along and watched the picture evolve, projected onto the large screen. As the morning progressed each class was invited onto the stage to take a closer look and add their own circle round the edge. This painting is now pride of place on the back wall of their Expressive Arts Hall Here is the time-lapse video of the performance art
I photographed their beautiful creations, so the school could purchase some large canvas prints to display around their building. Here are the seven finished prints that I saw on my recent visit, now hanging in the corresponding year group areas, for the children to remember the fun we had. To see more ... To see more pictures and read more detail about my week as artist in residence at Arbury Primary School last year, here is the blog post about:
Book your artist's visitTo make enquiries about booking me for your school, community group or event, please email me at
KateGreenARTand [email protected] and we can discuss a package that is tailor-made to suit your setting. |
Kate Green - artist, worshipper & enabler Archives
May 2022